John’s always been passionate about giving back to our local communities . He has assisted organisations in the disability sector, and has been on the board of the McCallum House in Ballarat. Wherever possible he worked with organisations to help, often in the form of charity homes. Using our network of suppliers and sub-contractors to build houses that were either auctioned off by a charity or providing immediate housing needs for clients. Charity homes have been constructed for McCallum disability services, Karkana support services, Ballarat health services, OzChild and Lodden Mallee housing services.

For his service to the community and to people with disabilities, John King was awarded an Order of Australian Medal in 2009. Pictured here is John and his wife Linda at the ceremony on the Queen’s Birthday 2009.

In 2009, the Black Saturday bush fire tragedy destroyed over 2,000 homes, displaced 7,500 people and sadly 173 lives were lost. In the days following the fires, JG King Homes immediately turned their attention to supporting those who lost everything. Over the next two years, we proudly re-built 28 homes from a small office set up temporarily in Kinglake. We could not be prouder of all those involved in the wider JG King Homes family, and the small part we played in helping get people back on their feet, by putting a roof over their head.

396 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer each and every day. More research must be done to help find a cure. The inspiration for a regional Victorian cancer research facility came from a young cancer patient, Fiona Elsey, who planted a seed in the mind of her oncologist, her family and her community. From Fiona’s dream a garden of hope has grown in the form of a world-renowned research institute in Ballarat.
JG King Homes is a proud supporter of the institute providing funds annually for a fellowship that supports a full-time Scientist helping find a cure for cancer.